As time flies it's hard to look back, to remember what I was like before I was a mom. I feel like it's a good & bad thing. I know all my days pile together & make me who I am today. For that I am grateful but I wanna never lose me. As my babies get older it feels like it's getting a little easier. Small moments remind me, like driving alone in the car with my favorite jams louder than they should be, when my heart gets consumed with design & excitement fills my body, but motherhood is always there. It's like a wonderful ray of sunshine that won't leave my side.
I don't know if that's a good thing or not, it's just how it feels. I am a mother after all, that will never change. Knowing that I am here writing this also tells me that I am aware, aware that I'm still here & that's a good thing.
I know I need more "me time," it's okay to share the duty. To make me a better version of me, a less stressed version. I can always tell such a huge difference, when I get to escape the duties. Hey Marianne, work on that. Like once a week, even if it's just a half hour on the porch.